Saturday, March 14, 2009

Ticket Trouble Turnaround

Michael got a brainwave for a promotion inspired by "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory." His hid five golden tickets in the paper shipments, and the customers who recieved the golden tickets were given a 10% discount off their paper order. However, it turned out that Michael did not distribute the golden tickets well and all of the prizes ended up with their largest customer, thereby giving them a 50% discount. Naturally, Michael's bosses were not pleased, so Michael blamed the whole promotion fiasco on Dwight. However, it turned out that the customer was so happy with the amazing discount that they decided to make Dunder Mifflin their exclusive provider of their office suppies. The bosses were thrilled with this news and congratulated Dwight. Michael then tried to get Dwight to admit to the true originator of the idea and it finally came out that Michael was responsible.

During the episode, Jim, Pam and Andy were all giving Keven advise about how to woo a woman that he was interested in. I though that Andy's advise was so weird when he told Kevin to ignore the women and insult her. I don't think that Kevin would get too far listening to that kind of advise.

Funny Moment of the Week:
Michael disclosing that he has plans to create a men's shoe store called "Shoe La La" that specializes in shoes for "special occasions in a man's life, like the day that you get married, or the day your wife has a baby or for just lounging around the house"

1 comment:

jjccjc said...

Michael's ability to persuade Dwight to do whatever Michael wants in spite of the consequences, shows us why Michael is such a valued employee by Dunder Mifflin. No wonder the Scranton branch is so successful. lol